Wyndham and Nancy Sellers

Family Charitable Foundation

Nancy and Wyndham Sellers have a very strong desire to have some of their assets used to help others as well as our family. Based upon that desire, we have created the Wyndham and Nancy Sellers Family Charitable Foundation with the purposes of:

"Collecting, maintain, educating, and displaying of historically significant pieces of agricultural equipment and other memorabilia as well as improving healthcare, patient care and the environment."

The Wyndham and Nancy Sellers Family Charitable Foundation functions as a tax exempt 501(c)3 corporation. It was incorporated in August of 2021 and received its tax exempt status in April of 2022. Further information about the structure of the Foundation is available upon request.

The Foundation Board of Directors is made up of:

Donations supporting the mission of the Foundation can be made by delivery to a Board member or by mailing them to Wyndham and Nancy Sellers Family Charitable Foundation, 5170 Harding Street, Prole, IA 50229. We welcome monetary and non-monetary donations that support the mission of the Foundation.

The Foundation currently owns the following equipment

  1. 1938 Case RC Sunburst Flathead
  2.  1926 Hart Parr 22-40
  3.  Huber Light Four 12-25 Cross Motor believed to be 1926
  4.  Huber 40-62 unknown year
  5.  1943 John Deere B hand start
  6. 1919 Rumely H 16-30 that has had complete mechanical restoration.
  7. 1926 Rumely M 20-35
  8. 1898 Huber 5 HP Portable Steam Engine - Only two known to exist
  9.  Crossley Brothers Double Side Shaft 7.5 HP Engine

Wyndham and Nancy Sellers have also loaned their old iron collection to this Foundation. Click the Collection link above to see all the items available to the Foundation.

If you would like to contact the Wyndham and Nancy Sellers Family Charitable Foundation, you can email us at wnsfcf@gmail.com for go to our contact us page.

Foundation Event Participation